Last winter we found an unusually precious gem whilst rummaging through Portobello Road Market. This lucky find was no antique, however. It was Robbie Boyd.
One year on and we found ourselves headed to hear the sounds of his guitar once more. This time we were getting the full band experience in a professional setting; violins, backing singers, mandolins, the O2 academy.
'...streets where the riches of ages are stowed...'
The O2 Islington is a much more intimate space than we anticipated, crouching away in Angel almost apologetically. But small stages are awesome for various reasons - most importantly, dancing right in the front row is completely possible. When we arrived Robbie was outside greeting his fans, along with those who had come to support other acts. Three (admittedly over-used) words:
It is so wonderful to attend a performance of such talented musicians who are yet still humble enough to keep it personal and show such appreciation for their audience. I'm sure one day the sea of support will be far too vast for this...
It is unusual to break free from the sounds of every other band on offer, to find something that makes you smile through no work of cliché and you are not half-ashamed to say, "wow, I liked that" (Katy Perry style). Don't get me wrong, their songs address the same existential questions that many others too face, - mainly concerning love. But stereotype was never a thought that arrived whilst listening to the band as they persistently entertained their audience, clearly enjoying their music as much as us. A particular favourite of ours has to be 'A London Reminition'. The melangé of recognisable, everyday places and features of the capital is intriguing and comical to any London lover as they are taken on a nippy tour all over, via the underground..
Robbie's characteristically husky voice belted out his [[very own]] lyrics of charm, giggle-inducing realism and wit as the band soared through a set that was over only too soon. Finishing with 'Red Queen', the crowd swayed and jiggled to the music as the strings' melodies dwindled and the fingers came to a halt.
Despite our extreme enthrallment, it was a shame that the band were encircled by the clashing sounds of rockers pumping out heavy bass beats. The whole scene felt very high-school battle of the bands, so much so that the funky folk of The Robbie Boyd Band was a very pleasant holiday on the ear drums. Call us old fogies if you will. When the following acts took over the stage, the rhyming of "silhouette"and "cigarette" was the cue for us to pootle offwards into the London night - new R.B.B CD's in hand.
It is so wonderful to attend a performance of such talented musicians who are yet still humble enough to keep it personal and show such appreciation for their audience. I'm sure one day the sea of support will be far too vast for this...
'...Hearts melt Orion's belt is always round the corner...'Beginning with 'I wont let you go', the band sounded simply stunning. A love-child of London quirk and pure Originality, their live performance revealed no large nuances from the perfected efforts in the recording studio, -- except for the the added thrill of energy naturally acquired in live performance.
It is unusual to break free from the sounds of every other band on offer, to find something that makes you smile through no work of cliché and you are not half-ashamed to say, "wow, I liked that" (Katy Perry style). Don't get me wrong, their songs address the same existential questions that many others too face, - mainly concerning love. But stereotype was never a thought that arrived whilst listening to the band as they persistently entertained their audience, clearly enjoying their music as much as us. A particular favourite of ours has to be 'A London Reminition'. The melangé of recognisable, everyday places and features of the capital is intriguing and comical to any London lover as they are taken on a nippy tour all over, via the underground..
'...haggle in Portobello until the price is right...'
Despite our extreme enthrallment, it was a shame that the band were encircled by the clashing sounds of rockers pumping out heavy bass beats. The whole scene felt very high-school battle of the bands, so much so that the funky folk of The Robbie Boyd Band was a very pleasant holiday on the ear drums. Call us old fogies if you will. When the following acts took over the stage, the rhyming of "silhouette"and "cigarette" was the cue for us to pootle offwards into the London night - new R.B.B CD's in hand.
Concert: 02 Academy Islington, Thursday July 28th. Tickets, £8. (bargain)
So take a listen.
Do a bit of downloading, or better still go buy the album. No regrets in store, promise.